Christianity in the Middle East
Christianity in the Middle East
2021. Т. 5. № 3


Kirill M. Ivanisov, priest
Activities of Bishop Veniamin (Fedchenkov) as a member of the Supreme
Provisional Church Administration in the south-east of Russia
and head of the military and naval clergy ...........5

Denis S. Martyshin, archpriest
Pavel V. Bochkov, priest
Dialogue between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
and secular educational institutions ...........24

Besik V. Khurtsilava
Virgilio Corbo, Terra Sancta Museum and Georgian
Cultural Heritage in Palestine ...........34

Dmitrii A. Lakhtuhin, priest
The struggle of the Russian and Bulgarian Orthodox Churches for the preservation
of Slavic monasticism on Mount Athos in the 1950s ...........44

Ioann N. Kudlasevich, priest
The Crisis of Greek-Russian Relations in the 1870s Based on Correspondence
between Archimandrite Leonid (Kavelin) and the Elders of Athos ...........56


Evgenii V. Palamarenko
Сhristian justice Medieval and New time. Reviews on the book: Bolshakov E.V.,
Nazarov I.D. Ethical aspects of justice (philosophical and legal research): monograph.
Feder. service execution punishments, Vladim. jurid. Institute Feder. execution
services punishments. Ivanovo, Ivan. ed. house, 2021, 172 p. ...........78